Our school has had four inspections and these are some of their comments:
......about the quality of education
‘The school provides a rich and exciting curriculum, which prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education.’
‘High expectations and a sense of challenge are features of all the very good and excellent lessons observed throughout the school.’
‘The quality of teaching overall throughout the school is good....’ with ‘35% being very good or excellent’
‘Teachers enthuse pupils by challenging them to do well and pupils respond with a high level of focus and effort.’
......about attainment and progress
‘Progress in all aspects of Mathematics is good throughout the school.’
‘Attainment in English is well above average in reading....’
‘The school has met almost all targets agreed for this year and exceeded several.’
...... about relationships
‘Relationships are good and pupils are encouraged to work hard and behave well.’
‘A committed staff provide a secure environment for the children.’
Within a ‘...caring ethos, pupils recognise that they may turn to staff for support.’
‘Pupils respond well to the expected high standards of behaviour.’
.......about management
‘A dedicated staff works exceptionally well as a team under the very good leadership of the headteacher and deputy, who are fully supported by the governing body.’
‘Very good leadership, gives the school a clear sense of purpose and educational direction.’
‘The school has a reflective and thoughtful approach to curriculum development.’
‘There is an atmosphere of teamwork and of mutual support among all members of staff.’
To view the full report visit the dfee website
To view the full Church of England Inspection Report click on: